Older Americans Act and Aging Network

To meet the diverse needs of the growing numbers of older persons in the United States President Lyndon Johnson on July 14, 1965, signed into law the Older Americans Act (OAA). The OAA set out specific objectives for maintaining the dignity and welfare of older individuals and created the primary vehicle for organizing, coordinating and providing community-based services and opportunities for older Americans and their families. An unofficial compilation of the OAA, as amended in 2006, is available below along with historical and current information about the OAA, and a link to National Aging Network information (State Units on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging).

Older Americans Act
Older Americans Act (OAA) Reauthorization
Videos of Listening Forums on OAA Reauthorization
National Aging Network

North Texas TORCHrepresents Personal Care Homes, Residential Care Homes and Assisted Living Facilities throughout Texas.All of these fall under the licensure requirements of the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) forAssisted Living Facilities. AllPersonal Care Homes, Residential Care Homes andAssisted Living Facilitieswhich provide services of a personal care nature to more than three residents, unrelated to the owner, must be licensed under the DADS licensure requirements. Personal Care, Residential Care and Assisted Living all offer a more home-like setting than Nursing Homes. They typically provide meals, laundry, housekeeping, medication supervision, assistance with activities of daily living (for most types) and an activity program. Other amenities such as transportation may also be offered in some facilities. These homes foster a sense of independence and are the perfect alternative for elderly or those with mental or physical disabilities.