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Client Testimonial

Assisted Living, Memory Loss, Alzheimer Care, Dementia Care or just need it for Active Living Senior Care facilities? You are Coverd. The patient data is secured and safe. No manual document need to create and store them in a cabinet.

- Our Online Caregiver's

Assisted Living, Memory Loss, Alzheimer Care, Dementia Care or just need it for Active Living Senior Care facilities? You are Coverd. The patient data is secured and safe. No manual document need to create and store them in a cabinet.

- Our Online Caregiver's

Assisted Living, Memory Loss, Alzheimer Care, Dementia Care or just need it for Active Living Senior Care facilities? You are Coverd. The patient data is secured and safe. No manual document need to create and store them in a cabinet.

- Our Online Caregiver's

Assisted Living, Memory Loss, Alzheimer Care, Dementia Care or just need it for Active Living Senior Care facilities? You are Coverd. The patient data is secured and safe. No manual document need to create and store them in a cabinet.

- Our Online Caregiver's


Our Online Caregiver's Solution makes it easy and simple to keep up, so that you can Care More!

Assisted Living, Memory Loss, Alzheimer Care, Dementia Care or just need it for Active Living Senior Care facilities? You are Coverd. The patient data is secured and safe. No manual document need to create and store them in a cabinet. IPAD and Laptop friendly, while we recommend Google Chrome or Firefox, you can use any of your favorite browsers.


ADL will allow you to setup and manage day to day care, food servings and tracking visitor for each patient. This is where you can customize shower, denture care, sponge bath, mouth care and more. It is flexible enough per your patient’s need like whether it needed to be setup during morning care or evening care. You can also track Food % eaten per day or how many visitor(s) came to see the patient, all in one. It is easy to track which caregiver or nurse or office admin keeping up with the patient as system will log each user and their activity.


From Sleep Pattern to Health Conditions to Assisted Devices, there are close to 50 Header items with necessary line items are already setup for you. As soon as you add a new patient to the system, this solution will do the job with pre-build assessment to make sure nothing is overlooked. All you have to do is check the appropriate items and add comments where necessary. We understand that time to time it may need changes, we have simple and easy way to track updates by date stamp while not lose any history files.


We have the most powerful and intuitive setup for medication and it can be done by a doctor or a nurse or a pharmacist with their secured login.

You can easily activate or de-activate an expired medicine in one click and save it for record. You can easily monitor who is adding new medicine and who is taking care on a daily basis. The solution will track and prepare a monthly report for you with time and date it was given to a patient.

Observation Log

Caregivers can observe and log all daily activities for a sudden sickness or well being of a patient.

There is no reason not to report unexpected and unusual changes for a patient. Have you reported to a nurse or called patient’s doctor for a sudden change? Log it, print it and keep it handy for follow up, no need to do this manually in a piece of paper.

Patient profile, Doctor's Order, Service Care, e-Documant

Do you need to update any part of Patient profile, may be a change of doctor or Hospital? They are all in right places.

Do you need to upload any service care or patient history file that was completed manually? No problem, scan it and upload them to the patient profile and tag them with proper description. It is very simple and easy to locate them later.


Doctors and nurses can instruct caregivers and access patient’s specific data using their own login.

Pharmacists can setup medications and instructions of use very easily and effectively. While seasoned software engineers made the solution efficient, it is still designed by Cregivers, for Caregivers.


If you are an owner providing assisted living for senior citizens and have 5 properties or under, this is a perfect solution for you.

Do you need to grow your business? Then look no further, let us help you and show you how easy to grow with us by simplified addition of your new property and patient. No contract, no hassle, discontinue anytime without any obligation. Even try it for 30 days, free of charge. We will provide you the best support possible to earn your business.


CareGiverMax is a cloud base solution, runs 24/7.

The solution is built in ASPX and .NET framework with SQL Server Database. For your convenience, we do the backup, upgrades even if there is any integration of the systems, it happens on our end. There is no download or upgrade on your end, no added cost either other than your monthly subscription fees. After any enhancement or deployment of the codes, you see the changes on your next login. It is as simple as that.